Sunday, 27 February 2011

Reporting from an undisclosed hidey hole

World. Out there. I know there is one.

There might be more to life than being glued to Battlestar Galactica on my laptop into the wee hours of the morning. I accept this is possible. And now that I have watched every minute of the search for earth, and many of Roslin's scenes two and three times over, perhaps I'll have to discover what that world might be. Maybe even leave my room. Tomorrow I begin a new job, and I'm very much looking forward too it. But in the meantime, I have one more day of complete and absolute reality denial left to me. So it's stage combat, bikram yoga, and the Presidential debates between Bartlet and Richie.

If all of reality is the play of shadows on a cave wall then there's really only layers of difference here between me living life and watching it on tv. Some days, some weeks you just don't really feel the need to impress yourself on the world. Sometimes it's fun to just sit back and watch. I shall soon weary of passive entertainment, but not today.

I could watch the Oscars, but I won't. It's just not my thing.

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