Thursday, 5 May 2011

Firstly, I need to announce to the world

Yesterday a customer sent me flowers!

Boys, everywhere, know this: it is never ever NOT the time to send flowers. Send flowers all the time. Unless they're a way to evade a restraining order, send flowers. Now. I haven't stopped smiling in 24 hours because a sweet sweet boy decided he wanted to make my day.

Basically, Tom had become a regular at my place of employ for a couple weeks, but the last time I saw him (after he engaged intently with a theosophical rant about inherited doctrine and unexamined longings to redeem creation, a topic I'm obsessed with at the moment) he told me he was about to move to Germany. And since he didn't get to say goodbye before he left, he called up my friend Lisa's florist shop across the road and asked her if she thought it would be okay for him to send me flowers to say thank you and let's keep in touch.

What a gentleman.

Boys, serious. Buy her flowers NOW so that when you do something wrong you will have already done something nice just for the sake of being thoughtful. My bit of advice for the day--- it seriously seriously works wonders.

I had started the day utterly annoyed with the male half of the species. Humanity is a very special mammal in that we have no visible estrus nor no annual mating season--but I swear to god, the English have a mating season, and it's right NOW. Three guys asked me out (by saying the exact same thing, I might add. Are they getting this sh*t from a script??) in the last 48 hours. When I tell them I don't have a boyfriend, they act like it's a crime against nature. They say when are you available, I say "Never. I'm single because I want to be, I like it, I'm happy this way and I'm not looking to change it so please just let me serve you food and take your money and don't ask again. THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY".


So I was ready to go punch a brother, but then a lovely lad sent me flowers just to be a gentleman and it made my day.

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